Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Languedoc events during November.

Contrary to popular belief, the festivities don't abruptly end the second that the sun disappears. Sure, lots of restaurants and businesses close and beaches resemble ghost-towns, but the events don't stop! There is so much to do during the colder months, you just have to know where to look!

Here is a list of events going on in the Languedoc region this November:


Monday, 19 October 2015

Autumn is here!

For me, Autumn is one of the best seasons to spend in the South of France. Don't get me wrong, the summer is by far the best, but Autumn is a close second.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Halloween is coming...

Jake's pumpkin from last year. 

In my opinion, Halloween is one of the best holidays during the year. It obviously can't top Christmas or New Year, but it's a close third. I absolutely love seeing all of the shops, restaurants and houses decorate their windows with ghosts, witches and demons. Being a horror-movie lover, this doesn't really come as a surprise.